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How it came about...
Like a lot of folks I like to smoke once in a while. Keeping various paraphernalia handy isn’t always a good fit. I usually lose it or its not around when needed, and it can be expensive.
Many of us have been there. You're in a bind so you try the beer can thing or a tissue tube or an apple etc., but it rarely works well.
So it seemed like a good idea to make something inexpensive, small, and disposable that would make this easier while providing a great smoke...because there’s always a can or bottle to be found. Voila -- the Presto Pipe™ was born!
A Presto Pipe™ is cheap enough to keep several handy...just in case the mood hits. In your pocket, desk, shop, suitcase, glovebox, backpack, saddlebags etc.
When you’re finished, it can be tossed (recyclable) or kept for next time. And they're great for traveling. No dirty pipes or wrinkled papers to pack -- and it's hard to tell it's a pipe.
For tobacco use only. [Patent Pend.]
Available online and soon at finer pipe shops and dispensaries everywhere. https://prestopipe.com/p/where-to-buy